G2 Surveys

Sectional Title Survey

Sectional Title Survey is one of the fastest-growing land surveying professions in South Africa.

What is a Sectional Title Survey?

It is a type of Surveying that deals with the acquisition of ownership of property, mostly ownership of part of building (unit) as opposed to the whole building together with other co-owners of units in a single land. Yearly new estates and town houses are being established for residential purposes.

Units before were just for rentals, but with the introduction and provision of Sectional Title Act 66 of 1971, which was then repealed and replaced by the improved Sectional Title Act 95 of 1986 (still effective), now you can rent to buy a unit effective immediately with the knowledge of this type of surveying sphere.

Need a Professional Sectional Title Survey?

Contact G2 Surveys today for accurate, reliable, and efficient solutions tailored to your needs.