What to look for in a Land Surveying Company

18 September 2019

You may be a property owner planning on subdividing your land into plots or you may be a construction contractor building a new road. Whatever the case may be, it is of the utmost importance that you invest in the correct land survey company’s services.

And yes, I meant to say invest. Employing a land surveyor is a costly exercise. Land surveyors are highly qualified professionals who possess a specific set of skills and make use of complicated instruments to provide their clients with precise measurements and data.

Investing in a competent and professional land survey company might save you from a lot of headaches and money down the line.

Here are some simple tips you can use when searching for a land survey company.

Tip#1: Sophistication and competency are key.

Gone are the days of using a tape measure and theodolite to calculate distances and angles. As we live in an era of technological advancement, equipment and instruments used in land surveying have also evolved into complex and highly accurate versions of their previous selves.

You will enjoy the benefits of employing a qualified land surveyor who makes use of modern and sophisticated survey instruments, as this will result in a service which is efficient and highly accurate.

It is advisable to look even further than the type of instruments used by your prospective surveyor.

Consider making use of a survey company which offers an array of services as future surveys often require some integration.

This way, you only deal with one survey company and can build a relationship with a surveyor you know and whose work you trust.

Tip#2:  Recommendations and current clients.

All land surveyors are required by law to possess a valid surveying licence which is awarded to them after earning a bachelor’s degree and completing a year of practical internship. In no way is a licence or an attractive advertisement a guarantee of quality service.

Do yourself a favour and ask other professionals for recommendations. There is nothing more reliable than the opinion of a former client who has nothing to gain or lose from an honest review. If they had anything less than a good experience, trust me, they will tell you.

Usually, a list of clients or previous projects are made available on the survey company’s website. If the survey company has serviced successful and credible companies in the past, this will also give you a good indication of the standard of work they provide.

Tip#3: Cost is important but should not be the determining factor.

Have you ever heard the expression “Wise by the penny, foolish by the pound”?

This rings especially true when it comes to the survey industry. Be careful not to accept the cheapest quotation you receive just because it is the cheapest. The advice provided in tip#1 and tip#2 should be regarded as superior.

When requesting quotes from prospective survey companies make sure that you provide them with comprehensive information. There are many variables which influence quotations such as the type of survey, size of the property, location, terrain, vegetation, level of detail required and much more.

If you narrow down the criteria the surveyor will be able to provide you with the best possible solution for your problem and an accurate quote.

In a nutshell:

  • Competency is most important.
  • Do yourself a favour and ask for recommendations.
  • Cost must be fair.

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